Deadly weapons seized after police dog tracks down suspect  in south Leicestershire

Deadly weapons were seized after a police dog helped to track down a suspect using a stolen car to commit crime in south Leicestershire last night (Tuesday).Deadly weapons were seized after a police dog helped to track down a suspect using a stolen car to commit crime in south Leicestershire last night (Tuesday).
Deadly weapons were seized after a police dog helped to track down a suspect using a stolen car to commit crime in south Leicestershire last night (Tuesday).
Suspect was using a stolen car to commit crime

Deadly weapons were seized after a police dog helped to track down a suspect using a stolen car to commit crime in south Leicestershire last night (Tuesday).

The highly-successful operation was carried out after experienced police dog Lola helped officers to zero in on the serious incident.

Police seized the stolen car along with a range of lethal weapons – including a machete, an axe and a Rambo knife – as well as gathering crucial evidence at the scene.