Meet the town's new police constable

Pc John Jephcott will be joining the team at Lutterworth in mid may.
PICTURE: ANDREW CARPENTERPc John Jephcott will be joining the team at Lutterworth in mid may.
Pc John Jephcott will be joining the team at Lutterworth in mid may. PICTURE: ANDREW CARPENTER
For most of his working life so far, Pc John Jephcott has been a salesman.

He didn’t join the Police Force until 2012, when he was almost 40.

“My father was a police officer, my uncle was a police officer and my wife is a police officer” said the burly, six foot one copper, who is due to begin his new job in Lutterworth soon. “So it was always in my mind.

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“But the lure of the money from working in business and industry kept me away. I was comfortable in the life I was living.”

Then came redundancy, and rather than find another job in industry, Pc Jephcott decided to follow his heart into Leicestershire Police.

“This is a much more worthwhile job” he says cheerfully.

“Why? Well saying ‘to give something back to the community’ is such a given, it’s cheesy to even say it.

“But it’s also not doing the same thing every day, helping to solve people’s problems, dealing with the extremes of life, providing justice to people.”

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If locals recognise Pc Jephcott, it’s because he was a special in Harborough for a couple of years before joining the Police Force full time.

Pc Jephcott will join the Lutterworth team in mid-May.

“I’m looking forward to it” he said. “In particular getting out on foot as much as I can.

“I know the public perception is that the police don’t seem to be as visible as they would like them to be.

“But I want to continue the good work of the Lutterworth team. I want people to approach me, and tell me what’s important to them.”

Pc Jephcott said that for him a good day is a ‘result’ day - “drug dealers arrested, a missing child found - lots of different things”.

And a bad day? “Any day that involves death is the worst day”.

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