Dementia-friendly screening of Hollywood musical enjoyed at Harborough Theatre

Front - Kyle Newman and Mark Watts Dementia Harborough chairman after the screening of Calamity Jane.
PICTURE: ANDREW CARPENTERFront - Kyle Newman and Mark Watts Dementia Harborough chairman after the screening of Calamity Jane.
Front - Kyle Newman and Mark Watts Dementia Harborough chairman after the screening of Calamity Jane. PICTURE: ANDREW CARPENTER
The Hollywood classic stars Doris Day and Howard Keel

An audience went back in time during a screening of the 1950’s Western musical Calamity Jane at Harborough Theatre.

The Hollywood classic, starring Doris Day and Howard Keel, was enjoyed by some 60 people in a dementia friendly environment.

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Free ice creams and hot beverages were provided by Harborough and Bowden’s Charity.

round 60 people enjoyed a screening of Calamity Jane on Wednesday (January 31)round 60 people enjoyed a screening of Calamity Jane on Wednesday (January 31)
round 60 people enjoyed a screening of Calamity Jane on Wednesday (January 31)

A spokesperson said: “Familiar films can be watched at home any time, but there’s definitely something to be said for the larger screen. Doris Day’s acting, singing and athleticism was superb!”

The event was organised by not-for-profit organisation, Leicester Musical Memory Box (LMMBox). Founder, Kyle Newman, leads bi-monthly Harborough groups for LMMB, and Dementia Harborough Charity.

The groups are singing and music-based, combining therapeutic and social opportunities for carers and people affected by dementia and other issues.

The theatre is set to show a dementia-friendly screening of ‘Singing in the Rain’ in October.

Contact Kyle Newman on 07736841558 for more information on dementia-friendly events.

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