Desborough Developments Working Party to host first ever meeting as town braces for substantial growth

The town can expect some 1,800 new houses.The town can expect some 1,800 new houses.
The town can expect some 1,800 new houses.
The meeting will take place on Wednesday January 24

The Desborough Developments Working Party (DDWP) is hosting its first ever public meeting to address the future of local housing developments.

The DDWP is a community-run group established in 2023, which aims to protect and maintain the wellbeing of residents and the local environment through engagement with developers.

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The meeting will take place on Wednesday January 24 at the heritage centre, in Station Road, at 7.30pm.

Through the meeting, the group is aiming to develop a dialogue between the community and housebuilders as the town braces for substantial growth, with plans for around 1,800 new homes.

The meeting will provide an overview of the DDWP’s priorities including the wellbeing of Desborough’s citizens, the safeguarding of natural habitats, and support for the local environment.

Residents can also find out more about ongoing and forthcoming projects and share their comments and insights for developers to take into consideration.

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DDWP chair Ben Murphy-Ryan said: “Desborough has already seen rapid growth of over 11 per cent in the past 10 years, with the last 2021 census showing more than 11,910 people live in the town. With Desborough’s population projected to exceed 15,000 by 2031, developments will take place over many years, and will overlap. This means the construction, traffic management and infrastructure impact will be significant for residents.

“We invite the town to share their perspectives to shape a Desborough that reflects both our heritage and our future.

“The group’s proactive approach is modelled after the successful Rothwell North Working Party, which helped to minimise the impacts of development on both Rothwell and Desborough.

“We have seen the power of community engagement on these matters, and it’s promising that initial communications with developers have mostly been positive to speaking with the local community.

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“Through open dialogue, we can better align growth with community interests as part of the planning process.”

The DDWP operates independently of political influences, encompassing diverse viewpoints and experiences from across the community in Desborough.

The group is welcoming residents to find out more at the launch event on Wednesday January 24.