More than 8,000 people attend historic Easter bottle kicking event at Harborough village

The event in progress.The event in progress.
The event in progress.
Over 8,000 people poured into Hallaton yesterday (Monday) as the legendary Easter Monday bottle kicking showdown roared back into high-octane action for the first time since 2019.

Men, women and children from all over the area swarmed into the historic little village near Market Harborough to celebrate the totemic tradition which stretches back a staggering 2,000 years.

And in dazzling Easter sunshine and under bright blue April skies Hallaton beat their neighbours and fierce rivals Medbourne 2-0 to end up on top in the ferocious rough and tumble free-for-all yet again.

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Jubilant event chairman Phil Allan, 64, told the Harborough Mail today: “It was an absolutely fantastic day.

The event in progress.The event in progress.
The event in progress.

“We were all just so thrilled to get back out in to the fresh air and get stuck back into the bottle kicking that we know and love for the first time in three years.

“The weather was glorious and it was just such a glorious occasion,” said Phil, a proud born and bred Hallatonian.

“The sense of anticipation was crackling and about 8,000 people crammed into Hallaton from right across Harborough and beyond.

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“The amazing turn-out was certainly up there with the biggest crowds we’ve had over the years and the game itself didn’t let anyone down.

“The atmosphere was magic, just so special.

“A lot of youngsters turned out with some of the older villagers and everybody got along so well,” said Phil.

“The rivalry on the field of play between Hallaton and Medbourne is as strong and ferocious as ever.

“But there was not a bit of trouble off the pitch yesterday, never mind any punch-ups.

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“We had the traditional parades before the event and the iconic, much-loved hare pie – baked by my wife Lynne – was cut up and shared out.

“About 1,000 people took part in the bottle kicking contest itself.

“Harry Hollis, Chris Potter and Jack Williams were three huge stalwarts right at the heart of this titanic battle for Hallaton.

“They were our very potent spearhead.

“We managed to get the bottle over Medbourne’s brook twice and so won the best of three 2-0,” said Phil, who works in renewable energy.

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“We had a powerful blend of wiser heads and youth, combining great match experience and raw energy.

“Afterwards we all went on to the village green in Hallaton as the winning team knocked back the beer.

“It’s no holds barred during play – the only rule is that there are no rules!

“But we’re all shaking hands and patting each other on the back as soon as it’s all over, it’s a brilliant spirit.

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“I’ve chaired this unique event for almost 40 years – and we’ve lost only three times in all that time.

“The bottle kicking incredibly dates all the way back to the birth of Christ, some 2,000 years or more.

“It is a magnificent ancient tradition for the people of Hallaton, Medbourne and the whole of Harborough,” said Phil.

“It’s a massive thrill to jump back into action after the two-year Covid pandemic.

“And we are already looking forward to staging next year’s epic after this year’s comeback spectacular has proved such a resounding success.”