Your chance to explore St Dionysius Church in Harborough – and climb up the tower​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

St Dionysius Church in Market Harborough
PICTURE: ANDREW CARPENTERSt Dionysius Church in Market Harborough
St Dionysius Church in Market Harborough PICTURE: ANDREW CARPENTER
The church is holding a fete on Saturday June 25

Would you like to explore and discover far more about St Dionysius Church in Market Harborough?

You’ll get the chance to do just that when the church fete is held at the medieval place of worship on the town’s High Street on Saturday June 25.

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People will be able to climb the steep stairs to view the bells, ringing gallery and clock chamber in the tall tower.

You can try your hand at T-shirt painting and decorating mugs or door hangers.

There will be a small charge for both activities and a lower age limit on the tower tours.

The popular fete in the church and outside in Church Square is returning after a five-year break.

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The event will open at 10am and will feature stalls, games and refreshments.

A raffle will carry a top prize of £150 and many other prizes donated by local businesses.

Inside the historic church hymn requests will be played.

And outside under the Old Grammar School there will be live music from a four-piece Indie/Pop Band from Welland Park Academy.

The school band will play at 10.15am and an acoustic guitar flamenco band is lined up to perform at 11.05am.

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The regular Saturday brief Thought for the Day takes place as usual in the church at 11am.

Entrance to the fete is free.

The cash raised by the stalls and activities will help to support church funds, with a donation to the Cube Youth Centre, based at Symington’s Rec.