Over 25 pupils star alongside rugby legend Martin Johnson in an inspiring new film about a Harborough school

Over 25 pupils at Ridgeway Primary Academy are starring alongside rugby legend Martin Johnson in an inspiring new film.Over 25 pupils at Ridgeway Primary Academy are starring alongside rugby legend Martin Johnson in an inspiring new film.
Over 25 pupils at Ridgeway Primary Academy are starring alongside rugby legend Martin Johnson in an inspiring new film.
The six-minute movie made by Ridgeway Primary Academy implores youngsters to dream big and reach for the skies

Over 25 pupils are starring alongside rugby legend Martin Johnson in an inspiring new film showcasing a Market Harborough primary school.

The six-minute movie made by Ridgeway Primary Academy implores youngsters to dream big and reach for the skies.

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Produced by the creative agency Hello Charlie, it features pupils talking about what they would like to do when they grow up as well as including former student and England rugby great Martin Johnson.

Sarah Bishop, the executive head of Ridgeway Primary Academy and Great Bowden Academy, said: “With everything from ballerinas to marine biologists, chefs to app designers, the children are an inspiration.

“At Ridgeway we pride ourselves on giving our pupils the best foundations possible, from which they can build their futures and live their lives.

“This has been Ridgeway’s ethos since it opened in 1972 and can be evidenced in the stories we hear from our alumni including that of former pupil Martin Johnson.”

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She added: “We wanted to make a film that showcased not just the school, but the hopes and aspirations of our children.

“2020 has been a fairly fractured year for many, especially as we’ve returned to a national lockdown.

“But the spirit of our pupils has stayed strong.

“And seeing them talk about their hopes for the future is amazing and wonderfully uplifting – just a snapshot of all the children we have enrolled at the moment.”

The school is urging parents of children due to start Reception in September 2021, or those looking to move schools, to watch the film and visit the school on a Covid-secure tour when lockdown restrictions are lifted.

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The Ridgeway school is based on The Ridgeway, off Burnmill Road, Market Harborough.

Speaking of her own experience at the school, mum Julie Townsend said: "Ridgeway is a happy, open and encouraging environment for children of all abilities.

“I've been so impressed with how they have got the balance right between learning and fun.

“Both our children have had a fantastic experience and have been well prepared for the next stage in their education."

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You can tune in to the new film here: https://www.ridgewayprimary.org.uk/page/?title=About+Us&pid=6The school’s also celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2022.

Staff are starting to create a special memories and aspirations wall and they would love to hear from former pupils.

Dave Turner, the head of school for Ridgeway Primary Academy, said: “So much has happened over the last 50 years, that we’d love to know where our former pupils have ended up.

“If you’ve got any photographs, old homework books in the attic or anecdotes to share, we’d love to see and hear them.”

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He added: “We know Ridgeway played a big part in so many children’s lives.

“It would be fabulous to think those memories and links could inspire our future generations too.”

Over 2,000 pupils will have attended the Ridgeway school since it opened.

To share your thoughts and any old photos, please email the Office on [email protected]

To explore the Ridgeway Primary Academy further visit www.ridgewayprimary.org.uk