Amoosed residents form a ‘human wall’ to help escaped cow found on tennis courts return home

The bull was well and truly in her courtThe bull was well and truly in her court
The bull was well and truly in her court
Owner believes she could have been chased.

Locals were left udder-ly shocked after seeing a cow walking around the tennis courts in Great Bowden.

The calf was found wandering around Market Harborough Tennis Club on Friday morning.

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The ten-month-old heifer had wandered down from the fields she grazes in off Burnmill Hill in Temple Langton.

The calf was rescued by owners and localsThe calf was rescued by owners and locals
The calf was rescued by owners and locals

And with the help of owner Vickie Gillespie, her dad, a policeman and local residents, the cow was returned home – by creating a human wall.

Vickie said: “Lots of parents and children were gathering to take photos and see the new tennis enthusiast, but this did upset her slightly so after backing up the trailer as close to the courts as dad could, we cleared the area of spectators. With much needed help from some general public and a policeman we formed a human wall to get her out of the courts and into the trailer.

“Everyone was incredibly calm, quiet and patient which was the key to getting her in safely and preventing her running out on to the road. I am incredibly grateful to those that helped; things like this can go very wrong very quickly.

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“We took her back to the farm to prevent her retracing her steps and this time taking the rest of the herd with her for a Wimbledon cow special!”

But Vickie said she is concerned about how the calf got to the tennis court and believes she could have been chased there.

She says cows rarely go off from their fields alone, and is now appealing for anyone with information to get in touch.

Vickie added: “The fields are incredibly popular with walkers and mostly, they respect the fields and the animals, but every year we always have problems with individuals cutting wire and breaking fences, leaving gates open, and dogs or children chasing the stock.

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“Once wire is cut, as the animals are curious, it doesn't take long for them to find it and assume the grass is greener. Any repairs are taken a disliking to, and the same is repeated. Its tiresome and incredibly dangerous for our animals and the public.

“Our animals often get themselves into some interesting places but this was a new one even for them. The odd thing is that as cows are herd animals, they don't often wander off by themselves, there's always normally at least a group, if not the whole herd, but after a headcount back in the field, everyone else was accounted for.

“After finding a broken fence rail, we can only assume she has been chased through on to the road and separated from the herd, as I they would rarely stray alone. When they are separated, they go in to flight mode and panic, normally resulting in a lot of frantic running about.

“I'm still hoping the mystery is solved on how she got in there.

“If possible I would really like to remind the minimal few to please stick to footpaths, keep dogs under close control and to pick up their dog waste.”

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