Farndon Fields residents hit out at 'death trap' pond which they say animals and birds cannot escape from

Incumbent MP Neil O'Brien visited the site in recent weeksIncumbent MP Neil O'Brien visited the site in recent weeks
Incumbent MP Neil O'Brien visited the site in recent weeks
Farndon Fields residents have hit out at a ‘death trap’ pond, which they say animals and birds cannot escape from.

The biodiversity pond is on the Avant Homes development on Farndon Fields, and accessed through Edmund Close.

But residents have called it a ‘death trap’ and say they are ‘appalled’ by the state the pond has been left in.

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Claims have been made that animals could not use the water without getting stuck and that frogs and ducklings have needed help getting out.

Resident Susan Garon said: “Avant Homes have left what was meant to be a biodiversity pond, unsafe and unfinished and residents are appalled.

“It was planned to be a haven for wildlife and vegetation including a badgers’ sett that was relocated from the old lagoon to behind the new pond, yet no badger can safely use the water.”

One resident posted on social media: “Lots of frogs stuck due to the plastic liner and can’t get out. We have built a small causeway for them with rubble we could find and have taken a few thousand out into the grass.”

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Others said the pond was a ‘literal death trap’, while another called it an ‘awful fake lake’ and accused Avant Homes of being ‘reckless’.

Another poster said: “There are around eight ducklings in the new pond that I've been watching struggling to get out for the past 15 minutes (due to the nature of how it’s been built). Is some human intervention going to be required? What's the play here?”

They later added: “I’ve been down and draped some damp towels over the edge - they haven’t got out yet but are at least sitting on it getting a bit of rest.”

Residents say Avant Homes plan to hand the management of the open space to site management company Gateway, who have invited residents to a meeting at Great Bowden Village Hall on July 9 at 6.30pm.

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An Avant Homes spokesman said: “We are aware that some remedial works are required to be carried out to the lagoon and are currently discussing these with our contractors and consultants. The area where the lagoon is situated is surrounded by fencing and a lifebuoy has been installed.”

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