Front, Anne King creator of the Great Glen Craft Project with some of the support team at the exhibition.Front, Anne King creator of the Great Glen Craft Project with some of the support team at the exhibition.
Front, Anne King creator of the Great Glen Craft Project with some of the support team at the exhibition.

In pictures: Harborough district village recreated in art exhibition - from knitting to cake!

A mini-village exhibition has been held in Great Glen’s new hall.

Some 52 local pubs, businesses and schools took on the challenge to make a creation which represents themselves – from knitting to cake.

It was organised by the Craft Projects for Great Glen Group to raise funds for the village hall, which partially reopened last month following renovations.

A total of £1,057 was raised, with joint first place going to Byron Health and Leicester Grammar Junior School.

Organiser Anne King said: “The Craft Projects for Great Glen Group was set up in February with the intent of benefiting the village, by making spectacular crafts, and having a bit of fun in the process.

“I was completely overwhelmed at the number of entries as well as the amount of effort that went into each one.

“Thank you for everyone for helping to put Great Glen back on the map again.”

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