Beacons were lit in the Harborough district to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day.Beacons were lit in the Harborough district to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day.
Beacons were lit in the Harborough district to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

In pictures: Beacons lit in the Harborough district to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day

Beacons were lit in the Harborough district to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

In Lutterworth, crowds gathered at Coventry Road recreation ground to watch the beacon being lit.

And over in Lubenham, residents had a fish and chip supper, listened to a 1940's singer, and watched a film, before the beacon lighting.

Packed to the rafters was the description used by more than one of the 100 plus parishioners crammed into Lubenham Village Hall to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Allied Forces landing on the Normandy Beaches.

A free fish and chip supper was organised by village volunteers, using monies donated by both the Lubenham Parish Council and anonymous village benefactors.

Entertainment was by way of music from the 1940s. Local artist Kyle Newman sang songs of that era, together with a sing-along with the audience participating.

John Martin, who helped with the event, said: “Following thanks to all the helpers, the significant involvement in the planning of the D-Day landings of Sir Harold Wehner, latterly of Thorpe Lubenham Hall, was explained in detail by Rev’d Pip Clements.

“A formal tribute, prepared by the Royal British Legion was read by the Deputy Lieutenant of Leicestershire, Richard Brooks and the evening concluded with the laying of a wreath at the War Memorial and the ceremonial lighting of the village beacon, fully visible by the crowd from the village green.

“A typical community event organised and supported in true Lubenham fashion.”

Here are the photos from the event.