Warning as Network Rail prepares to electrify Midland main line between Harborough and Wigston

Overhead line equipment.Overhead line equipment.
Overhead line equipment.
The next step to electrify the Midland Main Line between Harborough and Wigston will take place at the end of July, Network Rail has warned.

From Sunday July 28, the overhead power lines suspended above the track from Kettering station to South Wigston station will be energised and will remain energised.

The company has warned residents to stay away from the railway land, its equipment and overhead lines which will be energised at 25,000 volts, which they describe as ‘extremely dangerous’.

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It says energisation is the next step in enabling electric trains to run from Kettering to Wigston, and will make rail travel greener as well as quieter for passengers and those living near the railway line.

It is part of a multi-million pound programme to electrify the line between London and Sheffield via Nottingham and Derby.

Visit the dedicated web page at www.networkrail.co.uk/mml to learn more about the Midland Main Line upgrade.