Government hands Harborough District Council £45,000 to promote neighbourhood planning

The Government has handed Harborough District Council a £45,000 grant to promote neighbourhood planning in Market Harborough.The Government has handed Harborough District Council a £45,000 grant to promote neighbourhood planning in Market Harborough.
The Government has handed Harborough District Council a £45,000 grant to promote neighbourhood planning in Market Harborough.
The local authority said the cash will “help drive forward our ambitions to create a Neighbourhood Plan, or Plans, for the town”

The Government has handed Harborough District Council a £45,000 grant to promote neighbourhood planning in Market Harborough.

The local authority said the cash will “help drive forward our ambitions to create a Neighbourhood Plan, or Plans, for the town”.

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Cllr Jonathan Bateman, the council’s Cabinet lead for neighbourhood planning, said this will “help residents democratically shape future development and community aspirations”.

The council now aims to appoint an engagement officer to help people “determine the issues that the community faces, how these can be included in a Plan and to help set up and designate the Neighbourhood Forum or Forums”.

Bruce Durham, of the new Harborough Town Forum Facebook group set up last month, said: “We are really excited by the fantastic news that Harborough District Council have won this grant.

“This is a wonderful opportunity to champion the interests of all residents, business and employees in Market Harborough town and provide the eyes, ears and voice that represents all our town's communities and lead to the creation of Neighbourhood Forum/s.”

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Cllr Phil King, the council’s leader, said: “As a council, we have led the way on neighbourhood planning which gives real grassroots power to local communities to decide how their neighbourhood evolves.

“We know planning and development can be an emotive issue.

“But this is a direct opportunity for people in Market Harborough to contribute to this important process and produce something that genuinely represents the range of wants and needs in the town.”

You can get involved by joining ‘Harborough Town Forum’ group on Facebook.