General election candidates in Harborough put forward their reasons for why you should vote for them

Harborough candidates (from top left, going clockwise): Darren Woodiwiss (Green Party), Hajira Piranie (Labour), Danuta Jeeves (Reform UK), Neil O'Brien (Conservative), Phil Knowles (Liberal Democrats) and Robin Lambert (Social Democratic Party).Harborough candidates (from top left, going clockwise): Darren Woodiwiss (Green Party), Hajira Piranie (Labour), Danuta Jeeves (Reform UK), Neil O'Brien (Conservative), Phil Knowles (Liberal Democrats) and Robin Lambert (Social Democratic Party).
Harborough candidates (from top left, going clockwise): Darren Woodiwiss (Green Party), Hajira Piranie (Labour), Danuta Jeeves (Reform UK), Neil O'Brien (Conservative), Phil Knowles (Liberal Democrats) and Robin Lambert (Social Democratic Party).
The general election is looming fast - so we have given all the candidates another chance to persuade you to vote for them.

We asked each candidate to submit about 300 words covering the following questions: What local issues are important to you? What ideas do you have for the local area? Why should people vote for you?

Here are the replies we received.

Danuta Jeeves (Reform UK)

I am a 66-year-old recently retired teacher. I brought up my sons as a single parent, whilst undergoing teacher training as a mature student. At the same time, I worked part time as a Marie Curie nurse; a vocational role that I cherished and which gave me an insight into how life is unpredictable and short.

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As such, I not only have first hand experience of the problems that fragmented families go through, both financially and emotionally but also, as I was diagnosed with a degenerative eye disease at the age of 40, I have personal experience of disability discrimination and the many struggles and pitfalls that the disabled go through.

Through my professional background, I have a particular interest in educational issues, as well as pensioners’ and disability rights; all causes that I have pledged to support to the best of my ability, together with many more pledge requests that I have received over the course of the last five weeks since the election was called and I was confirmed as a candidate.

If you vote for me I will not only be 100% committed to ensuring that local issues are investigated, but also improved.

In addition to the aforementioned pledges that I have already signed, I will also pledge support in the local area for the following causes:

- The homeless

- Carers’ rights and fair pay.

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- Schools - to get adequate funding instead of the endless cuts as well as ensure SEND provision is robust, fair and accessible, together with provision for mental health services for children and young adults.

- Ensure accountability in local government – planning in the constituency has been “suspect” for a long time.

- WASPI - Women Against State Pension Inequality. I will champion and fight for this as it is particularly pertinent to me ( as I am one).

Phil Knowles (Liberal Democrats)

I am a widely respected as a campaigner with a 30-plus year proven track record of delivering for the community, as I did with the 'new Harborough hospital. I strongly believe that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to elect an MP who is determined to deliver at local level and to prioritise the needs of the local community.

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We have the chance to make a real change. Liberal Democrat’s have shown that locally we deliver for our community. I am determined to do the same at Westminster. I share the concerns of our residents and businesses - many of who struggle daily. I ask people from across the political spectrum and those who have no political allegiance, please lend me your votes on July 4.

Help me to take up your issues one by one. For example, lack of GP and dental appointments, struggles with hospitals and hospital beds. The challenges of ambulance call outs and handovers. The cost of living crisis, to investment in schools and young families through to senior citizens. How can it be right that many people need food banks just to make ends meet?

Businesses desperately need a strong local voice - local people need to see a positive change for them and their families. I am the strong local champion that can deliver this.

I also intend to challenge anyone in a position of influence in the next parliament to commit to support a review of the decision on Gartree Prison two. The planning committee said no, the planning inspector said no - only for the Secretary of State to ignore this and grant permission. Is the current plan value for money? Can the infrastructure cope? Is it not more cost effective and logical to build this new prison elsewhere?”

Robin Lambert (Social Democratic Party)

I have lived in Market Harborough for seven years.

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Before 40 years in London I have stood in the last five General Elections.

Main reason I joined the Social Democrats was that I was impressed by their policies, which I see as 'Sane Left'.

Main Policy is to revive British Industry. Lib Dems, Labour, Conservatives, Greens don't care where goods are made. This leads to huge deficits - £109billion in 2023. SDP skills training and will rebuild manufacturing.

British Firms have become addicted to cheap, unskilled labour, immigration at 8million+ since 2009, instead of training our own young people.

SDP will have a generational pause on mass immigration.

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Foreign corporations control 39% of UK patents. This is far more than EU (13.7%), USA (11.8%) and Japan (3.7%).

This is because in 1979 Geoffrey Howe removed overseas investment rules.

Tony Blair and Gordon Brown wanted to keep in with corporations, even when the Russians wanted to buy British Gas.

Public ownership selling off national assets to foreign owners is foolish and services decline, profits siphoned off abroad.

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Post Office sold off by Lib Dem-Tory coalition in 2011 and has recently been bought by a Czech businessman. Putting universal delivery in jeopardy.

16 Water companies pump millions of tons of raw sewage into waterways including the River Soar and River Welland. Water companies want 25-91% increase in charges.

Lib Lab Cons Greens are committed to UN 2030 'Net Zero'. Anti-industrial folly, putting up your energy bills.

SDP will nationalise railways, steel, Royal Mail, water, energy. Essential for an independent nation.

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SDP will reign in EU, IPCC, WHO, unaccountable supranational bodies.

Government bodies Home office, border force, etc, will do what their name implies - no PC ineptness.

Sunak, Starmer, Davey, Denyer, are globalists and boring to be British Prime Minister.

Neil O'Brien (Conservative)

I live near Market Harborough with my wife and two young children. I love working on the big issues that matter to our community.

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I’m grateful to local people for supporting some of the successful campaigns I have run – like my campaign to save Harborough tip, and our station ticket office.

I secured improvements to the bus services along the A6, resulting in a half-hourly service.

We secured £238 million extra from the government to improve transport in Leicestershire, and I’m pressing the council to use the money to improve the junctions on the A6 in Kibworth, as well as fixing potholes. I’m also fighting to get a Sunday bus service for Great Glen.

I’ll always fight to preserve our green spaces and stop overdevelopment: I campaigned to stop our Labour-Lib Dem-run council from taking on thousands of extra homes from Leicester’s overspill housing: thanks to everyone who came to my public meeting on this.

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Overall, crime has halved since 2010, and there are 332 more police officers in Leicestershire than four years ago. But there’s more to do, and we’re tackling the causes of crime by getting more people into drug treatment.

I have battled to change the law to stop illegal immigration, and we have recently passed new legislation to do that, despite the opposition of the Labour Party.

We’ve increased spending on the NHS to record levels. There are 50% more clinical staff in GP surgeries in this constituency than four years ago, and I am also pressing for the NHS to be run more efficiently, with fewer managers. As a health minister, I introduced ‘Pharmacy First’. You can now get NHS treatment from your local pharmacy for a range of minor illnesses, including antibiotics if you need them.

Whatever the issue, I’ll always be active in working for you.

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Hajira Piranie (Labour)

This constituency has always been my home, this is why the issues you face – I face too. The struggle your family has had to face with rising mortgages, bills and stagnant wages – my family face too. It is time to give our families a fresh start. It is time for a Labour MP and government that will put country first, party second.

If elected my biggest priority is putting our NHS back on its feet. The Conservatives have neglected our public services for 14 years. I want to end that 8am scramble for a GP appointment, and encourage dentists to take on NHS patients. Labour will deliver 40,000 extra appointments a week, and 700,000 urgent dental appointments. We will place mental health support in every school, and hubs in all our communities.

Education is the foundation of our society. Working for UNISON, I represent school support staff across the East Midlands, and I see first-hand our crumbling schools and broken education system. Our children deserve better. Labour will get 6,500 specialist teachers in our schools and also reform the pay negotiating body so public sector workers can expect fair pay.

I pledge to rejuvenate our high streets and support our local businesses to thrive and thus grow our local economy. We need to increase the cooperation between central and local government so we can work together and get our country growing again.

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After 14 years of chaos and decline, you have a chance to turn the page and vote for a fresh start here in Harborough, Oadby and Wigston. I want to be a visible, accessible MP who will be here for you all year round – not just election time – that is real public service. Everything Labour have pledged is fully funded, and you will see real change.

Darren Woodiwiss (Green Party)

My name is Darren Woodiwiss and I am your Green Party candidate for the Harborough, Oadby and Wigston constituency. Some of you may recognise my name as this is my fourth time of standing in this constituency.

This election is a critical election for the future of our country, our electoral system does not allow any plurality in how our country is governed and so as the Tories are toast, we will lurch from Tory to Labour control. This country has suffered 14 years of austerity so now must be a time of regrowth not a continuation of austerity.

The Green party has the brave policies with the funding to put these ideas into place, we will tax the very wealthiest in society, those with the broadest shoulders, a mere 1% on wealth of more than £10 million. This will enable our bold plans to rebuild the NHS and social care, which has been brought to its knees.

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We will privatise the water companies who have been pocketing huge profits whilst not investing enough in our infrastructure which needs to be upgraded to handle the worst aspects of the Climate Crisis. We all know what they have been discharging into our rivers and onto our beeches.

We will invest in our public transport and make housing more affordable through our Right Homes, Right Place, Right Price Charter and prioritise affordable social housing

A vote for the Greens is not a wasted vote, we are the only party with a real vision for the future of this country and one that offers REAL HOPE, REAL CHANGE!