Heavy disruption expected this afternoon (Thursday) on rail services through Harborough

Heavy disruption is expected this afternoon (Thursday June 20) on rail services through Market Harborough after a person was hit by a train.Heavy disruption is expected this afternoon (Thursday June 20) on rail services through Market Harborough after a person was hit by a train.
Heavy disruption is expected this afternoon (Thursday June 20) on rail services through Market Harborough after a person was hit by a train.
Heavy disruption is expected this afternoon (Thursday June 20) on rail services through Market Harborough after a person was hit by a train.

This is the second time this week that a tragic incident like this has happened on the Harborough to London line.

East Midlands Railway (EMR) has said the line between Kettering and Luton has just reopened but ongoing delays are inevitable.

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EMR said: "We are sad to report that a person was hit by a train. This has occurred between Kettering and Luton and is disrupting our trains on the London St Pancras /Nottingham /Sheffield, and London St Pancras /Luton Airport Parkway /Corby routes.

"Emergency services are on site and the line has now reopened."

"We are working to resume our advertised timetable. Some services may still be subject to short notice alterations whilst we do this."

Visit https://www.eastmidlandsrailway.co.uk/ for more information.

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